No implicit Prelude

The NoImplicitPrelude GHC extension is used to disable the prelude.For other ways to disable the prelNoImplicitPreludeude, see Disabling the prelude

GHC normally includes the Prelude as an implicit import, both in GHCi and in compilation. This is sometimes what you want; it gives you access to a collection of types, typeclasses, and functions that you don’t usually want to write from scratch for each project.

This extension is primarily useful when

  • you are learning Haskell and want to re-implement many of the Prelude types and functions yourself, for learning purposes. This enables you to do so without name clashes.

  • you have informed opinions about the set of things included in the Haskell Prelude and wish to use an alternative “prelude” that is better tailored to your tastes or project.

We give examples of each of these uses in this article.

This extension has been available since GHC 6.8.1 in 2007.GHC documentation for NoImplicitPrelude It replaced the very old and now-deprecated -fno-implicit-prelude flag, which had been around for (as far as we can tell) as long as GHC has existed.


Let’s say we’re a Haskell beginner teaching ourselves Haskell by implementing a lot of the basic Haskell types and functions ourselves. So we might start a module off like this.

{-# LANGUAGE NoImplicitPrelude #-}

module Maybe where

data Maybe a = Nothing | Just a

class Eq a where
  (==) :: a -> a -> Bool
  (/=) :: a -> a -> Bool

If you then try to compile or run or load this into GHCi or what have you, you’ll see an error.

λ> :load
[1 of 1] Compiling Maybe

no-prelude.hs:12:21: error:
    Not in scope: type constructor or class ‘Bool’
12 |   (==) :: a -> a -> Bool
   |                     ^^^^

Since you have disabled the entire Prelude and you haven’t written a Bool type yet, there is no type called Bool in scope. You can handle this in one of two ways: write a Bool type or import that type without importing the rest of the Prelude that you don’t want. This example will cover the latter because there are certainly things you will want to do this for, such as IO and some related things that would be relatively impossible to implement yourself.It’s probably worth pointing out that even if you have the whole Prelude disabled, when you use GHCi it will still be able to “do I/O”, at least enough to print values to your screen.

The Bool type is defined in the Data.Bool module of the base library. You can choose to import

  • just the Bool type (without its constructors)
import Data.Bool (Bool)
  • the Bool type with its constructors (True and False)
import Data.Bool (Bool (..))
  • the entire module, but qualified so that you could still use some of the names in that module without clashing.
import qualified Data.Bool as B

There are some other choices you could make, such as importing the entire module unqualified. Maybe you’ve already learned all you can from implementing the Boolean functions in that module and want to be able to use them now (if you did that and you have your own Bool module, you could also choose to import your own module), in which case a simple import Data.Bool would suffice.

For most cases, we believe the second or third of those possibilities would be most useful. We’ll continue our example using the third possibility, to show you what that would look like.

{-# LANGUAGE NoImplicitPrelude #-}

module Maybe where

import qualified Data.Bool as B

data Maybe a = Nothing | Just a

class Eq a where
  (==) :: a -> a -> B.Bool
  (/=) :: a -> a -> B.Bool

instance Eq a => Eq (Maybe a) where
  Nothing == Nothing = B.True
  Nothing == Just y = B.False
  Just x == Nothing = B.False
  Just x == Just y | x == y = B.True
                   | B.otherwise = B.False

If you qualify your import like that, then it is very visible when you are using something you have not implemented yourself, and those visual reminders of where something came from can be useful – to you while you’re learning, to future you, and to anyone who reads your code.

Alternative preludes

As we mentioned earlier, sometimes you also want to disable the Prelude in order to use an alternative prelude. As you might have noticed in the example above, you have to add that Data.Bool import in order to use a couple of basic things, and as you can imagine, the list of imports will grow longer and longer as you go on. So, while that is useful occasionally, it can also become a pain. The oldest GHC documentation we can findDocumentation for GHC 0.29, circa 1995 playfully comments:

You are unlikely to get very far without a Prelude, but, hey, it’s a free country.

Enter the alternative preludes.

The base module called Prelude is somewhat controversial among Haskellers. For one thing, it has several notable partial functions in it. It is not controversial that those functions are fairly bad – isn’t Haskell about safety and compile-time rather than runtime errors? It is somewhat more controversial whether people who are new to Haskell should try using an alternative prelude in order, in part, to avoid those functions. Furthermore, there is a lot of debate about how best to structure a prelude for writing modern Haskell. Prelude is quite old and dates from a time when Haskell wasn’t much used industrially.

And so the modern Haskell ecosystem is now home to several alternative preludes. Each has made different choices about what to include, although they mostly all share the goal of eliminating those partial functions. One of our personal favorites is the relude package.The relude package on Hackage. So let’s look at an example using that.

Changing the prelude in GHCi

If you’d like to open a GHCi session for experimentation with relude instead of Prelude, do this:

  1. You may need to first install the relude package using cabal install, stack install, or Nix.

  2. Open a GHCi session with the -XNoImplicitPrelude and -package flags.

$ ghci -XNoImplicitPrelude -package relude
  1. Import the Relude module of relude once it opens.
λ> import Relude
  1. Start looking around to see what has changed.
λ> :type head
head :: NonEmpty a -> a

Look! head isn’t a partial function anymore!

In modules

For writing code in Haskell source files, there are, as usual, a few ways you can do this. One is to establish a project with a cabal file or a similar setup and add relude as a dependency. Another way to play around with it, if you have relude installed, is to have a Haskell module that opens like this:

{-# LANGUAGE NoImplicitPrelude #-}

module Main where

import Relude

and load that module into GHCi, which will disable the normal Prelude and use relude instead. You will need to have some main defined before you load it (even if it says undefined).GHC and GHCi expect that a module named Main will have a main action defined within them. It is OK if you put main = undefined or if you take off the module name; either way, the code should load into GHCi because for whatever reason, GHCi does not expect a main defined in an unnamed module.

{-# LANGUAGE NoImplicitPrelude #-}

module Main where

import Relude

main :: IO ()
main = undefined

Let’s try loading this into GHCi.

$ ghci
GHCi, version 8.6.3:  :? for help
Loaded GHCi configuration from /home/jmo/.ghc/ghci.conf

λ> :type head
head :: [a] -> a

λ> :load relude.hs
[1 of 1] Compiling Main             ( relude.hs, interpreted )

relude.hs:8:8: warning: [-Wdeprecations]
    In the use of ‘undefined’
    (imported from Relude, but defined in Relude.Debug):
    "'undefined' function remains in code"
8 | main = undefined
  |        ^^^^^^^^^
Ok, one module loaded.

λ> :type head
head :: NonEmpty a -> a

We wanted to show you two things with this.

  1. Unlike normal Prelude or GHC, relude gives you a warning when you have an undefined in your code. It’s nice that it’s a warning, and not an error, so that the module can still be loaded, but also you can be alerted to the presence of (perhaps a forgotten) undefined.

  2. As you can see, the type of head changes after we load the relude.hs file, so the changes we expect given our use of the NoImplicitPrelude extension and Relude import have taken effect.

We’re going to add some things to this file that are intended to show off how relude differs from Prelude rather than to represent a realistic program. For example, let’s try this step above “hello, world”.

main :: IO ()
main =
    name <- getLine
    putStrLn ("hello " ++ name)

This compiles and works fine when we use the standard Prelude. However, when we are using relude instead, we get this error message.

relude.hs:11:27: error:
    • Couldn't match expected type ‘[Char]’ with actual type ‘Text’
    • In the second argument of ‘(++)’, namely ‘name’

As the documentation for relude explains, they’ve opted to make many of the standard functions work with the Text type instead of with String. Using Text or ByteString instead of String is considered best practices in Haskell for many, if not most, purposes; however, the Prelude uses the String type extensively mostly due to its age. So, relude re-exports important types and functions from the text and bytestring packages – which means that to use the Text type or associated functions, we don’t need to add a dependency or import from the text library. But it also means that we do need to find a way in relude to fix that error.

What the message seems to be telling us is that our use of (++) expects two [Char] arguments, but name is a Text argument. One way to fix this would be to find a conversion function to do that for us. There is a relude module called Relude.String.Conversion so we’re guessing that’s a good place to look.

It took a little bit of scrolling to find the ToString typeclass with its one method, toString, and it seems like that will work, so let’s try it.

main :: IO ()
main =
    name <- getLine
    putStrLn ("hello " ++ (toString name))

And, indeed, this does work. But it might seem like a step backwards to use String instead of Text so we can look for a more “relude-y” way to achieve the same purpose. Usually for Text we use the semigroup operator (<>) instead of (++) so we can switch to that first of all.

We also notice, however, that putStrLn expects a String input.

λ> :type putStrLn
putStrLn :: MonadIO m => String -> m ()

A quick search of the Index for relude gives us a bunch of other put functions: putTextLn is probably the one we want. So, now our main looks like this:

main :: IO ()
main =
    name <- getLine
    putTextLn ("hello " <> name)

This still doesn’t quite work because, syntactically, "hello ", is a String. Those quotation marks are reserved syntax for lists of Char, sorry! There are two options here.

  1. We could enable the OverloadedStrings extension. This is not a bad option, and it’s what the relude designers seem to prefer, as it takes this pain away throughout your file when enabled.

  2. We could manually “pack” that String into a Text representation. Just as we found the ToString class earlier, we see that there is a similar ToText class as well, with a toText function. We’ll choose this route so that we can show you the new, working code without reprinting the entire file.

main :: IO ()
main =
    name <- getLine
    putTextLn ((toText "hello ") <> name)

This is the kind of adaptation you should expect when you switch off the standard Prelude and onto one of the more modern or specialized preludes. We think that these adaptations are often worthwhile, especially when they can help you use better types.

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