Identifiers and operators

There are two kinds of names in Haskell: Identifiers and operator symbols.


An identifier starts with a letter or underscore and consists of:

  • Letters
  • Numbers
  • _ (underscore)
  • ' (single quote, sometimes pronounced as “prime”)

Examples of identifiers:

  • x
  • x'x' is pronounced as “x prime”
  • _x
  • πThe Greek letter pi counts as a letter.
  • player2
  • player➆➆ is the unicode code point U+2786, entitled “dingbat circled sans-serif digit seven,” and it is considered a number.
  • Maybe
  • Just
  • Functor

It is worth noting that the underscore in isolation is a reserved identifier, used as a wildcard in patterns. In some circumstances, a lone underscore may be interpreted as a hole.

Operator symbols

An operator symbol consists entirely of “symbol or punctuation” characters. This includes the following ASCII characters:

! # $ % & * + . / < = > ? @ \ ^ | - ~ :

as well as a great many Unicode characters. This means we can define operators using just about any symbol we want. There’s one exception to this: There are limitations on when we can use a colon (:), which we discuss below. For example:

(<>) :: Integer -> Integer -> Integer
x <> y = x + y + 1
λ> 2 <♥> 3

Prefix and infix

When a function is represented by an identifier, its application is typically written in prefix notation: the name of the function comes before the arguments. For example, a function named f applied to arguments x and y looks like this:

f x y

For operator symbols, function application to two arguments is typically written in infix notation: the operator comes between the arguments. For example, a function named + applied to arguments x and y looks like this:

x + y

An identifier can be used in infix notation by enclosing it in backticks. So f x y can be written equivalently as:

x `f` y

Some examples of identifiers that are conventionally used in infix notation include mod Prelude.mod and on: Data.Function.on

λ> 11 `mod` 3
λ> import Data.Function
λ> import Data.List

λ> sortBy (compare `on` fst) [(2, 'c'), (1, 'b'), (3, 'a')]

An operator can be used in prefix notation by enclosing it in parentheses. So x + y can be written equivalently as:

(+) x y

Capitalization matters

The first character of an identifier can only be a letter or an underscore, not a number or a single quote, with the underscore treated as a lowercase letter.

The following kinds of identifiers must begin with a upper case letter:

  • Constructors
  • Types
  • Type constructors
  • Type classes
  • Module names

Everything else must begin with a lowercase letter or an underscore. This includes:

  • Variables
  • Type variables
  • Functions and values other than data constructors
  • Record fields

Identifiers that end with a hash

Enabling the MagicHash GHC extension slightly expands the set of names that are considered valid identifiers.

Constructor operators start with a colon

If you’re going to use an operator symbol as the name of a data constructor, it must begin with a colon. Constructors are the only operators that are allowed to begin with a colon. The exception to this is type operators, which we discuss below.

For example, NonEmpty has a single constructor named (:|).Data.List.NonEmpty

data NonEmpty a = a :| [a]

Note that this rule only applies to the first character in an operator name. A colon can always appear in another position. For example:

(^:^) :: Integer -> Integer -> Integer
x ^:^ y = x * y + 1
λ> 3 ^:^ 4

Operators as type names

In standard Haskell, operator symbols are only for values; you can’t use an operator as the name of a type. If you enable the TypeOperators GHC extension, then you can.

The rule about starting with a colon doesn’t apply at the type level. Type operators may or may not begin with a colon.

The only exception is ->, which is a built-in type operator that you can use without the TypeOperators extension.

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